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The place where ink meets the skin

Inker app home screen


'Inker' has been created to simplify appointment management and provide artists with a platform to showcase their portfolios. Additionally, I wanted to make it easier for clients to get tattoos based on their preferences, such as price ranges, and more on the client side.

My Role

UX/UI Design   |   Research   |  User interview

Frustrations and pain points

  • Most tattoo artists struggle with social media and don’t know how to market themselves.

  • Managing a business task and getting organized can be tedious after a day of work on a piece.

  • Artists usually get a lot of questions and most of them can’t reach all of the clients which can leave a bad taste and a loss of a client.

Problem statement

  • You cannot filter and see recommendations from clients for the type of artist you are seeking.

  • A significant number of clients have been lost due to a lack of time to answer their questions or by spending time with unsuitable clients.

  • The market is full of artists' options and no way to filter them to find the one that suits you.

Possible Solutions

  • Advanced filter option that can give clients better results for the kind of artist they are looking for.

  • A portfolio platform that can showcase the artist's services, style, pricing, and more.

  • Quick and easy communication and a calendar that can help you connect with your clients.

Our hero

Persona photo - tony

Tony Davids

Age: 34 years old

Position: Tattoo artist

Location: New Orleans

In his free time, Tony likes to do various creative pursuits such as painting, sculpting, photography, and finding inspiration through nature and outdoor activities.


  • Can’t get to answer all of the clients.

  • Needs to spend his free time on work and business stuff.

  • Can’t showcase the work that's been done in the studio in a way clients can access easily and quickly.


  • An organized system that will help him manage the clients.

  • A proper way to showcase the studio portfolio and client's rating.

  • Give the client easy access to data about the studio without needing to provide the data himself.

Use case

Publishing an ad

Trying to get clients via socials and google ads.

Minimum responds

The ad takes time to get notice and gets minimum responds.

Paying a digital marketer

After spending time and money on ads that didn't work, ends up paying more for results.


The 'Inker' app offers a convenient solution for effortlessly discovering and booking tattoo artists. Whether looking for an artist nearby or seeking recommendations from friends, 'Inker' allows you to explore and save your preferred artists for future reference. With 'Inker' - finding and connecting clients and artists becomes a hassle-free experience.


Altho there is only one mobile application that answers my user persona needs, I concluded a website, analyzing two competitors, and was able to obtain insights regarding their features, pricing models, and user experience.

tattoodo LOGO


Mobile app


Has a variety of artists to choose from.

Filter and find better results by location.

Book an appointment with tattoo artists directly.

tattoofilter logo



The user interface is less intuitive or visually appealing.

limitations in terms of regional coverage.


The options for customizing tattoo designs are limited.

User survey

The survey identified key user preferences, These insights guide the design of a user-friendly and easy to use app that caters to the specific needs of tattoo enthusiasts.

The survey indicates that users prioritize secure and reliable payment options.

Users express a need for provide ratings and reviews for tattoo artists.

THe users indicate and easy and efficient appointment scheduling within the mobile application.

The ability to access and explore detailed artist portfolios, showcasing their work

Mapping the user needs

user needs page

User flow

Sign In

Create a profile

Set profile pricing and opening hours

Get request from a client

Set a new appointment

sent a request for downpayment

Appointment adds automaticly

Get client confirmation and payment

Design phase

Sketches and wireframes

app sketches
Artist profile screen - low def
Appointments screen - low def
Explore screen - low def

Final design

final desgin screen #1
final desgin screen #3
final desgin screen #5
final desgin screen #2
final desgin screen #4
final desgin screen #6

Key features

Key features - 2
Key features - 1

Filter and search for better results

See how other likes this artist

Key features - 3
View upcoming appointments
Set working hours
Key features - 4
Easy payment
Client payment request and details about the appointment


By addressing the desired features of comprehensive artist portfolios, convenient appointment scheduling, secure payments, and community engagement with ratings, the app can fill the needs of tattoo enthusiasts and establish itself as an essential tool in the industry.

Thank you for reading 

and taking your time to check my case study. 

Feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions!

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